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Sabtu, 23 November 2019

Expressing Showing Care / Sympathy

Showing Care/ Sympathy adalah ungkapan kepedulian/simpati yang diungkapkan seseorang ketika melihat teman saudara keluarga atau orang terdekat sedang sakit, tertimpa musibah  dan mengalami suatu kemalangan. Ungkapan ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan iba dan turut prihatin atas hal-hal yang tidak menyenangkan yang terjadi pada orang lain. Tujuanya yaitu untuk menujukan perasaan simpati dan rasa perduli terhadap orang tersebut agar mereka akan merasa terhibur.

Expressing Showing Care / Sympathy

  • Don’t worry, I’m here for you.
  • How terrible!
  • I am sorry about your accident. I’ll always be here if you need my help.
  • I am sorry to hear that.
  • I am sorry to know that!
  • I know how it feels.
  • I know you have tried your best. I am sure next time you will get a better score.
  • I sympathize with your condition.
  • I was deeply sorry to hear you sick.
  • If you need anything, please just call me.
  • I’m extremely sorry to hear that.
  • It is going to be alright.
  • It would be OK soon.
  • Please accept my condolence.
  • That’s a pity!
  • That’s a terrible!
  • That’s awful!
  • That’s too bad.
  • What a pity of you!
  • What a shame!
  • You’ve helped me a lot during my difficult situation.


  • I hope so.
  • I would be OK, thank you very much for your support.
  • It is very kind of you.
  • It was very nice of you to think of me in this time of sadness.
  • Thank you so much, they are so lovely.
  • Thank you so much.
  • Thank you, I’d really appreciate that.
  • Thanks for your concern.
  • Thanks for your support.
  • Thanks for your sympathy.
  • That’s a pity isn’t it?
  • That’s what friends are for.
  • Yes, It is i will try harder next time.
  • You are truly good friends.

Contoh Percakapan Expressing Showing Care / Sympathy

Percakapan 1

  • Rina     : Hello Eka. You looks so sad today.
  • Eka      : Oh, yes I’m a little bit sad actually.
  • Rina     : Please take a look. I bought this for you. Today is your birthday right?
  • Eka      : Oh, thank you that’s very nice of you. Let me see. Oh this is such a cute doll. Thank you.
  • Rina     : That’s nothing.
  • Eka      : You remember my birthday when nobody does.
  • Rina     : That’s what friends are for.


  • Rina     : Halo Eka. Kau terlihat sangat sedih hari ini.
  • Eka      : Ya, sebenarnya aku sedikit sedih hari ini.
  • Rina     : Tolong lihat, aku membelikannya untukmu. Hari ini ulang tahunmu kan?
  • Eka      : Oh, terima kasih kau sangat baik. Biarkan aku melihatnya. Ini boneka yang sangat lucu. Terima kasih.
  • Rina     : Itu bukan apa – apa.
  • Eka      : Kau mengingat ulang tahunku ketika orang lain tidak mengingatnya.
  • Rina     : Itulah gunanya teman.

Percakapan 2

  • Riki     : Hello Prilly.
  • Prilly    : Hi Riki.
  • Riki     : My deep condolences for your father loss.
  • Prilly    : Thank you, but it feels like i’m really broken now.
  • Riki     : I know how it feels. I will be with you whenever you need me. I promise.
  • Prilly    : Thank you, you are really my best friend i’ve ever had.


  • Riki      : Halo Prilly!
  • Prilly   : Hi Riki!
  • Riki      : Turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya ayahmu.
  • Prilly   : Terima kasih, tapi sepertinya aku sangat sakit hati sekarang.
  • Riki      : Aku tahu bagaimana rasanya. Aku akan bersama denganmu kapanpun kau menginginkanku. Aku berjanji.
  • Prilly   : Terima kasih, kau adalah teman terbaik yang aku punya.
    source of conv:jbi.com